RicBerry is an innovative berry products company. To meet significant worldwide expansion of the brand, we created a website that uncovers the passion with which its products are made.

- Responsive design
- Tailor-made structure
- Unique design
- Guideline development
- Photo shooting
To understand the company from inside out we've done a research on the company, while taking into account whole industry in general across the globe. Set aims were:
- to have the website visitors focus on the most important and significant aspects
- to share the vision of RicBerry
- to bring attention to the process of product creation
- to present RicBerry in a clear way
- to turn the website into fascinating journey with RicBerry
- to create a unique look and feel of the unique natural products - Ricberry
Navigation and structure
One Page navigation style is a simple and good way for storytelling. Getting the clear vision of structure and navigation is crucial, as it affects every single stage further.
Mockup, draft design and actual result.
Adding spices
Website was enhanced with animations, visual tweaks and details. Further to things listed above, we've reworked numerous sections, including:
- Team members
- Gathering berries
- Principles
Website overview
Socially friendly
Sharing the website on social networks is a powerful way of sharing information, being the most efficient way to spread the word at the same time. In order to increase the response rate we have configured all meta data of the website for both search engines and social networks.
On the way to build the right color gamut.